


The Printmaking area covers the full range of contemporary printmaking, utilizing both traditional and digital media to produce editioned prints, monotypes, installations and artist books.  ART 251 is an Intro to Printmaking, followed by sequences of courses covering Intaglio/Relief, Lithography, and Silkscreen, and Computer Assisted Printmaking, which includes photo processes and non-silver photography processes.   A "changing topics" course is available to introduce other subject matter such as monotype and book arts.  We feel that any and all methods of transferring ink to paper or another substrate is worth investigation and the combination of multiple media produces results that can’t be achieved in any direct drawing or painting methods. 

Each term undergraduates, graduates, and faculty engage in a print exchange which usually draws between 20 and 30 participants; its an “open exchange” in terms of media and theme and besides prints has included 3d printed objects and photographs. One impression is donated to the department’s permanent collection. 

Printmaking students are encouraged to be active with the Southern Graphics Council and other printmaking organizations. 

Equipment includes a 40 x 60 Griffin etching press, a 30 x 50 Brand etching press, a 32 x 50 Griffin litho press, a 24 x 50 electric Dickerson combination press, an 18 x 30 Brand etching press, approximately 30 litho stones for work up to 27 x 38, a NuArc exposure unit for photographic plates up to 30 x 40 inches, a light tables for exposing screens up to 40 x 60 inches, several screen printing stations and approximately 200 silkscreens. There is a ventilated area for acid work, spray-painting, and screen cleaning. Graduate students are housed in private studios adjacent to the communal studio area. The computer labs in the Rainbow Building include five iMac computers, a flatbed scanner, and Epson inkjet printers for work up to 44 inches wide. The Electronic Media labs are right across the street for more advanced work. 


Information on University of Miami Printmaking Alumni can be found here: 




  • Lise Drost, M.F.A.; Area Head, Associate Professor
  • Lani Shapton, M.F.A.; Sr. Lecturer
  • Carol Todaro, M.F.A.; Lecturer
